Showing posts with label motherboard. Show all posts

Identifying Motherboard Chipset in Lenovo T480
guide hackintosh
guide hackintosh
Identifying the motherboard chipset for your Lenovo T480 is an essential step in setting up a Hackintosh using the iATKOS Project. Based on ...

Ryzen 5 1600, B350 motherboard, GTX1080 - ok for hackintosh?
boot hackintosh
boot hackintosh
Basically, I have no clue about mac OS but there is a software I would like to run on an ipad and would like to sync/use the same app on my...

Did I just find a Hackintosh?!
cpu hackintosh
cpu hackintosh
TL;DR; The Trash fairy bought me a computer. Take a look at the photos and parts list below and tell me if it can be Hackintoshed, AND if i...