A generic implementation of audio drivers.
Use AppleALC instead as you'll get better sound quality and it will work better! SourceForge VoodooTSCSync Synchronizes the TSC on Intel processors. Typically only required for 2011 socket processors.
This version (modded by RehabMan) automatically detects core count. No need to modify. BitBucket VoodooPS2 Supports PS2 bus devices, such as keyboards and trackpads. Supports PS2-HID, ELAN, Synaptics, FTE, Atmel, some USB devices and more. Keep in mind, your trackpad is either PS2 or I2C.
If this kext doesn't work, it might be I2C.
VoodooI2C Supports I2C bus devices, such as keyboards and trackpads. Supports I2C-HID, ELAN, and FTE devices.
Use AppleALC instead as you'll get better sound quality and it will work better! SourceForge VoodooTSCSync Synchronizes the TSC on Intel processors. Typically only required for 2011 socket processors.
This version (modded by RehabMan) automatically detects core count. No need to modify. BitBucket VoodooPS2 Supports PS2 bus devices, such as keyboards and trackpads. Supports PS2-HID, ELAN, Synaptics, FTE, Atmel, some USB devices and more. Keep in mind, your trackpad is either PS2 or I2C.
If this kext doesn't work, it might be I2C.
VoodooI2C Supports I2C bus devices, such as keyboards and trackpads. Supports I2C-HID, ELAN, and FTE devices.