Showing posts with label l3. Show all posts
Niresh OS X Lion 10.7.3 V2 (AMD)
amd l3

>>> GO TO DOWNLOAD <<< This Was The Last one Released Which Includes Various Fixes. This version Supports MBR Installatio...

Niresh OS X Lion 10.7.3 V2 (AMD)
amd l3

>>> TORRENT <<<   

Modified 10.7.3 Kernel for Ivy Bridge CPUs
kernel l3

BridgeHelper 3.0 MacMan has added support for these new CPUs to xnu-1699.24.23 (AKA the 11.3.0 Darwin kernel shipped in OS X 10.7.3) and we...

iATKOS Lion and Sony Vaio
l1 l2

VPCEH25EN Install Method: iatkos l2 + MacOsX 10.7.3 Combo Update Part Device Working Notes Processor i3-2330M @ 2.2Ghz Yes Must 64-bit Kerne...

Chimera 1.9 Update [iAtkos L1, L2, L3 Compatible]
boot chimera

Chimera v1.9 Changes: Back-ported the following Chameleon commit: r1903  "NVDA,Child" device_type support for non-primary NVID...

Optimizing NVIDIA GeForce 4xx and 5xx Graphics Cards [iATKOS Compatible]
iatkos kexts

Using the latest MultiBeast, all NVIDIA 4xx and 5xx graphics cards can be optimized for Mac OS X Lion. We've included a  Combo OpenCL En...

How to update iATKOS L2 to 10.7.3 [ Easy way ]
download guide

The original installation media for Mac OS X Snow Leopard was a 10.6 DVD. The DVD was only updated once to version 10.6.3. In order to provi...

iatkos l3

Ufuk Durgun wrote: "There is no such plan. We can think about it only if there are serious issues with the upcoming 10.7.3 update"

A kind of "iATKOS L3" could be released by an Italian Team !
iatkos l3

"An Italian Team with the first external build of the update iATKOS L3 Lion 10.7.3 " "Efforts on iCal calendars, Mail, Addres...

l3 lion

Apple seeded Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3 to developers, registered developers can download the first beta of Mac OS X 10.7.3 build 11D16. The new ...