Showing posts with label fix. Show all posts
FREE: See which apps are hogging your Hackintosh resources
fix mac

Download Kexts Why is my Mac so slow?! If you have asked (or screamed) this question to no one in particular in the past, there is a free ...

Common issues you might run with iATKOS ML
fix ml

The system fails to boot but I have no idea why Boot with the flag -v and carefully watch to determine at which point the system stalls and ...

Audio not working on #Niresh ML 10.8.2 [fix]
audio fix

This are some of AppleHDA we hope to fix that works for ML installs !  Codec ALC 887: Link Codec ALC 272: Link Codec ALC 270: Link Codec ...

Fix a Bug on Niresh 10.8 ML installer [.PKG]
download fix

Every user of Niresh ML 10.8 Distro, must use this Patch to fix an Installer Bug. >>> GO TO DOWNLOAD <<< All credits to @N...

Fix a Bug on Niresh 10.8 ML installer [.PKG]
download fix

Every user of Niresh ML 10.8 Distro, must use this Patch to fix an Installer Bug. >>> GO TO DOWNLOAD <<< All credits to @N...

How to Set Up iMessage on Niresh ML [Guide]
fix imessage

Start and Setup the iMessage: One your freshly installed Mountain Lion, you will see a blue bubble icon of iMessage in the dock. If you alre...

How to Set Up iMessage on Niresh ML [Guide]
fix imessage

Start and Setup the iMessage: One your freshly installed Mountain Lion, you will see a blue bubble icon of iMessage in the dock. If you alre...

CMOS Reset Error on OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion [SOLUTION]
cmos fix

Download Kexts You need to patch the AppleRTC.kext. Open your Terminal and follow these easy steps: 1. First backup the original kext: mkd...

Fix “Still waiting for root device” on OS X 10.8 ML

OPTION 1:   This error manifests itself on OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion only if you boot your Hackintosh with UseKernelCache=Yes, as booting wit...

Migration Assistant Solution [L1, L2]
fix l1

This is an easy way about how to fix Migration Assistant to transfer your Account from Hackintosh to Mac, you will notice that your hackin...

AppCleaner: Uninstall unwanted apps [Free]
fix software

It is recommended to have a clean hackintosh without  unstable  applications in the system. AppCleaner is a small application which allows ...

Fix HD Partitions using TestDisk on any OS

This is for : Lost partitions, partition error, corrupt partitions, no operating system found and many other errors related to partition tab...

Multi GPUs and iAtkos MLM 10.8.2
fix gpu

If you use multiple GT2xx core and newer nVidia VGA cards on your computer, then do not use VGA sensor plugin (GPUSensors.kext in this examp...

Backup Solutions For Your Mac or iAtkos
apps fix

We've seen many users ask about the best backup solution for their CustoMac. Doing regular system backups of important files and documen...

Mountain Lion Cache Cleaner 7.0.1 MacOSX
apps fix

Mountain Lion Cache Cleaner 7.0.1 | Mac Os X | 20 MB Mountain Lion Cache Cleaner is an award winning general purpose tool for Mac OS X. MLCC...

DragonOne adds Mountain Lion support to PleaseSleep (iAtkos ML)
fix ml

DragonOne released an updated version of PleaseSleep that is compatible with OS X Mountain Lion, and yes it is still free. PleaseSleep was o...

Setup Speedstepper for AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement in 10.7.x
fix lion

1) Combo Update - DO NOT RESTART 2) Copy the AICPUPM kext to your Desktop. 3) Using, Open ~/Desktop/

Enabling OpenCL on 10.7.5 and ML GM
fix l5

10.7.5/mbp2012 drivers run opencl on Fermi just fine out of box, no more need to enable it binpatching, but.. If you have a card with more t...