catalina hackintosh
Hello, I'm trying to install Catalina 10.15 with OpenCore's Guide and when i try to boot in it just shows text and then shows a bl...

catalina hackintosh
Having spent days trying to figure this out I am about to give up as it’s driving me mad. I’ve tried both OS, Clover is the latest r5132, ...

catalina hackintosh
Hello problem solvers, I have one for you... I cannot get past the Apple logo after I do the initial format of the hard drive in recovery...

i have laptop sony vpceh28fg i have installed mountain lion 10.8.2 dual boot with window 7 ultimate boot loader no problem is my sound not w...

catalina hackintosh
After upgrade to 14.15,I used the disk util to check disk for errors, get: The partition map needs to be repaired because there's a pr...

Hi can any one please provide me with iondrvsupport kext v2.3.4 and 2.3.5 i really need it Thanks in advance :) source http://feeds.feedbur...

catalina hackintosh
Hi. I've been struggling for a few days now trying to install Catalina. I've had a reliable working machine (with Catalina as its...

catalina hackintosh
i have the same laptop as this person on github and they uploaded their boot. what are the chances that this will work? it uses opencore an...

Hello everyone, I'm new here, and I'm new to the Hackintosh scene also! I successfully managed to install Snow Leopard onto my deskt...

catalina hackintosh
As title, anyone else with this? Im using an Apple Airport card and everything works just like it did in Catalina. Except for the bluetooth...

Hey! I use Chameleon boot loader to boot my USB stick. Everything works fine until I get to the language selection screen. I can't use m...
http://imgur.com/gallery/JgbFUkz the Mountain Lion is dead http://www.snopes.com/photos/animals/mulelion.asp source http://feeds.feedburn...
Ive spent literally all weekend trying to get Snow Leopard working well on my old Dell 9400. Ive now had a lot of success, and feel like im ...

catalina hackintosh
Hi All, I'm a relative NEWB at Hackintosh as this is only my second machine so please be kind if I say something stupid. I am tryin...

boot catalina
Apple 0 : Hackintosh 1 I am happy to report my first successful hackintosh build. Please look through it. I have one annoying issue ...

Help!!! Please!!! Hello fellow hackintosh users. I recently installed iATKOS L2 on my HP G72 262-NR laptop and having difficulty booting up ...

catalina hackintosh
Can someone give me some advice on this current install? I'm using "EFI for Catalina" from @Middleman and I can't seem t...