Unsure where to post this scam and possibly more…

Unsure where to post this scam and possibly more…

And another one TEMU. So far 2 4TBs have been SD Modded or Nan Flashed. None the less Not Real and only on the 4TBs I got from TEMU. But the 2tbs have been decent so far. Least I’m getting a full refund when I send it in. Now it happens to have my machine backups on it. And it doesn’t power on. Is this A Scam to pop at the soder pins over time? in hopes to retrieve people’s data if returned? After requesting a refund? Wonder how much thought is really added to these chipsets modified then programmed to alter Drive capacity ect…

Random thought… do you think the collection of my exes and more nudes will now be released? it has MacOS Time Machine backs ups…

Author: @xBaZo0KaTo0thx