Mac Pro 4,1 maximum OS…

I know this is something I ought to be able to research myself, but I've had a look over the past couple of years & have just got lost in the wealth of information.

I have a 4,1 Mac Pro firmware updated to 5,1 with dual 6-core 3.46GHz CPUs & Mac-flashed AMD HD 7950, using the original PSU with 6>8-pin adaptors. 64GB RAM, 2 1TB SSD [one on a riser PCI-E which is the current boot drive], 12TB HDD.

Without any further expense, what's the highest OS I could expect to be able to go to? Right now I'm still on Mojave , and have been since its first release.
I have access to an M1 iMac if that's needed for modern comms to get this up & running, also other old Intels, on Mojave & older.

Separate question - would it be possible to build it as a dual boot, for legacy 32-bit software I may still need to access, or would I have to VM that?

Author: @NortonBurns