Heads up before updating

This should go without being said, but always do research on the new OS you are trying to download. It is super tempting to update to the ‘latest and greatest’ but if the OS doesn’t work for you, you could be in for days of trouble. I have done a total of 3 updates using OpenCore and while I think it is a phenomenal app, if you don’t know what you’re doing or haven’t done research on the OS you’re downloading, it can be a multiple day process. The last update I did was on a late 2012 iMac from Ventura to Sonoma and I am currently having to go through the process of downgrading back to Ventura because of how bad it works on my computer. Don’t be like me, and make sure to do a lot of research on how the OS operates and how it could operate on a similar system as yours.

submitted by /u/ethancarrmusic1
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