Stuck on boot screen

Stuck on boot screen

I had installed open core legacy to my 2017 13" MacBook Pro Touch Bar i5 to run the most recent operating system. I had gotten it to work well and had been using it for months. I had only one issue and that was that iMessage no longer worked. This isn't a huge deal and I let it jo for a long time, but today I decided to fix this issue... and it has gone terribly wrong.

In open core on my Mac, I tried to change the simbios in the open core settings simbios page. Originally, this tutorial I was attempting to follow this link. Post-Install/universal/iservices.html#using-gensmbios

It wanted to reboot and I hit ok, and now I cannot get past the boot screen. When I click on the boot drive I used to, it gives me a circle with a line through it and the text "visit for more info"

If I hit the space bar, there are multiple options, but the only one that gets me anywhere is the EUFI SHELL page where I can find some information and type in some shortcuts to give me more boot options. I have the original usb that I used for the open core install process but I do not know how to recover my system.

I believe that I will need to restore a backup of the EFI or configure the plist. Following this tutorial, I get to the stage where I know what drive needs to be adjusted.

My issue is that when I get to the edit config.plist, it tells me that “initialization was not successful.” I am then at a loss and have no idea what to do.

I have turned my MacBook into an expensive and useless brick, and I am now out of my depth. If there is anyone who can help, or at least point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/Moist_Star2734
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