opencore with ventura mbp mid 2012

All is working ok but i disconnected the battery so its running on mains.I installed bootcamp windows 10 and in windows i can tap touch the pad and it will register as a click.

In mac ventura there is no touchpad controls setting and i can use gestures but there is no tap touch to click or 2 finger tap for options.I have t0 pyhsically click the touch pad in to tap....why would this be and how can i fix it.I read somewhere that if the battery is not detected when macOS boots the tap feature dont work.I find this funny cause in bootcamp windows i can tap to click and 2 finger tap for rightclick menu.

This is really strange and does opencore have a solution for this as i will not be getting a battery for another 30 days.I already own 2 other laptops soi dont think the battery to replace is high priority if you know what i mean.

What fix can i try to force touchpad to use tap,any wonderfixes

submitted by /u/dablakmark8
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