OCLP Version 2.1.2 Issues with AirPlay

I decided to give OCLP another try after resetting my entire MBP 2015 to factory settings and get Monterey on it. I upgraded to Ventura then to Sonoma which is what I am currently using at the moment.

Mac OS version: Sonoma 14.7.1

Issues presented:

  1. Issues with AirPlay when I try to connect to a TV that's on the same WiFi as mine, it tries to connect, MacBook asks for a 4 digit code, but the TV disconnects right away. Tried several times, sometimes it does not even connect.
  2. Here's what I tried:
  • PRAM Reset, but then made choose the OCLP partition was booting up as well.
  • Tried to reinstall Post-Install Root Patch multiple time.

Any suggestions would really help me, as I want to be able to see if anybody went through that and what fix worked for them if any available.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/jouskaMoon
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