2015 MBA/Sequioa Issues -REPOST-

I posted the following a month ago, and got absolutely zip zilch response.. Let's try again.. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I have a 2015 MBA, running Sequoia and the latest OCLP version (2.1.2). I'm having two seemingly unrelated issues with the -otherwise- no problem install.

Problem #1 is despite setting "pmset -a hibernatemode 25", something is still sucking down the battery during times of non-use. To my understanding of "hibernatemode 25" is when the laptop is closed, ram contents is written to the ssd and ALL power is removed.. AND what the manpage for pmset reports (as below)

"hibernatemode = 25 is only settable via pmset. The system will store a copy of memory to persistent storage (the disk), and will remove power to memory. The system will restore from disk image. If you want "hibernation" - slower sleeps, slower wakes, and better battery life, you should use this setting."

I've found several times, that when the laptop is charged, and I use it for a bit and then note the battery charge when I close the lid, days later, when I come back and open the lid, the battery is at least 20-30% down from when I put the machine to bed.. In one case, I went on vacation, machine was at 97% and went to sleep for two weeks, and when I next used it, it was down to 6%.. I don't use the MBA all that much, having a Dell system running Linux for most of my work. The MBA was bought, pretty much simply to learn MacOS.

Problem #2, Bluetooth on the MBA is flakey as heck. I use a BT Mouse as I'm not especially thrilled with the trackpad on the system. The mouse is registered with bluetooth, but pretty much, every time I un-hibernate the system, I have to mess around with turning bt off/on, mouse off/on to sometimes get the mouse connected..

Could these issues be caused by OCLP?


submitted by /u/LVDave
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