[Acer PT14-51 Laptop] HowTo

[WEG forked] By adding your patch //gen11 static const uint8_t f7[] = { 0x80, 0xc1, 0x00, 0x00 }; static const uint8_t r7[] = { 0x40, 0x02, 0x19, 0x00 }; i obtain with boot arg "igfxfw=1", "SCHEDULER = 0", instead of "Firmware Load failed boot hash check!" the consequent failed loading (AppleIntelICLGraphics) [IGPU] Graphics Firmware Version: (AppleIntelICLGraphics) [IGPU] Failed to load graphics firmware binary, STATUS = 0x840000EC (AppleIntelICLGraphics) [IGPU] Failed to initialize graphics firmware. (AppleIntelICLGraphics) [IGPU] Failed to start graphics engine (AppleIntelICLGraphics) [IGPU] Request to send Host -> Gfx firmware message when the firmware channel is not active! (AppleIntelICLGraphics) [IGPU] Failed to send wait-for-idle request to firmware pairing the NBlue result... I'm at a blocking point
