Unable to update bootloader 1.5.0 (Mac Pro 5,1 Monterey)

My Mac Pro (2009) has been working fine, but I haven't been able to update the Opencore. Every time I boot to Monterey OpenCore-Patcher informs me that I'm booting from an outdated build 1.5.0 and wants to update it to the current version 2.0.2.

I can create a new build fine and get to the installer, but here's something I'm not really sure what to do with. I select the SSD I have Monterey and Windows 10 installed to and it show's two possible destinations to install Opencore to: EFI - 209,7 MB and OPENCORE 200.1 MB.

I did create the partition OPENCORE to the SSD when I originally installed it, but I don't know where the EFI came from. Maybe I have accidentally updated a previous version to a new partition if that's even possible?

I've tried installing the new version to either partition, but every time I boot back to Monterey OpenCore-Patcher informs me that my bootloader is still out of date.

Everything works fine with the computer, except I'm not been able to boot to recovery mode which might be a problem with the outdated version of Opencore. Also I have accidentally made the earlier build with the Verbose-option on and I'd prefer the computer boot without the overflowing texts. Also I'd prefer the boot picker timeout to be more than 5 seconds, but I can't change either of these things as the installation doesn't change or affect the current Opencore settings.

Can anyone tell me should I do something about the "extra" partition EFI on my SSD or should I bother with the update at all? Only real problem I currently have is that I'm not able to go to recovery mode when I hold the option key on boot.

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/asstumor88
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