SystemVersion.plist build version mismatch: found 15.0 (24A335), expected 15.0.1 (24A348)

Any help with this?

Determining Required Patch set for Darwin 24 Pulling metallib list from MetallibSupportPkg API Direct match found for 24A348 (15.0.1) metallib already installed (15.0.1-24A348), skipping - Verifying whether Root Patching possible - Patcher is capable of patching - Mounted Universal-Binaries.dmg - Running sanity checks before patching - SystemVersion.plist build version mismatch: found 15.0 (24A335), expected 15.0.1 (24A348) An update is in progress on your machine and patching cannot continue until it is cancelled or finished - Unmounting root volume - Failed sanity checks, cannot continue with patching!!! - Please ensure that you do not have any updates pending

submitted by /u/Lumpy_Description674
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