Cannot sign in after OCLP install

I installed 2.0.2 OCLP and Sonoma 14.7 on my 2017 Macbook Pro 15” with touchbar and Spanish keyboard (MacBookPro14,3). The install went without a glitch.

However, I cannot sign into my Apple account. It takes ID and password, but nothing happens.

Then I continued the install skipping this step for later.

But I cannot sign in. I cannot sign into App store either.

Redid install. Same thing.

Downgraded to non-OCLP Ventura, and I can sign in.

I tried OCLP with Sonoma 14.0, and same thing happens. I cannot sign in.

Does anyone know what is causing this, or how to fix it?

Author: @Zestyclose_Tower_705