Use Bluetooth without usb map kext?

Hello, I have hackintoshed my hp 840 g6 a while back (check my old posts about that) but since then i have never been able to use sleep mode with Bluetooth working. I mapped my usb ports correctly and per the guide, word to word, and it just refused to work or even function correctly, but when i set it to sleep, it wakes up after a second. And the only way to fix that is by removing the usb map kext entirely. But then Bluetooth doesnt work because there is no usb map kext.

I tried re-doing the usb ports multiple times, disabled all wake-on-<insert feature> in the bios, and patched the ssdts in the sleep-issue post install guide.

I even tried using u/vsta2018 efi which was much better than mine, but had the same exact issue on my laptop (i have to mention his is for sonoma).

Now i dont need a usb map kext, i am fine with using usb 2.0 speeds. Also fine with usb-c port being useless on macos since i dual-boot with linux and i can use them on there, but i genuinely just want Bluetooth and sleep mode to work. I am very close to just giving up on this project but i dont want to waste the three days i spent re-learning to get the Opencore efi working on this hardware (long time lurker, but only hackintoshed one laptop few years ago)

Thanks to all for any answers.

submitted by /u/Thin-Way5770
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