Stuck on boot after root patching

I upgraded to macOS Sequoia and when I tried to post-install OCLP root patches my system would constantly reboot when loading. I then followed the instructions here: My system booted fine after following the instructions but when I tried to apply the post-install root patches I got the bellow output.

- Starting Patch Process - Determining Required Patch set for Darwin 24 - Verifying whether Root Patching possible - Patcher is capable of patching - Mounted Universal-Binaries.dmg - Running sanity checks before patching - Running patches for Z790 Nova WiFi - Running Preflight Checks before patching - Found SkylightPlugins folder, removing old plugins - Cleaning Auxiliary Kernel Collection - Finished Preflight, starting patching - Installing Patchset: Modern Wireless - Handling Installs in: /usr/libexec - Found existing airportd, overwriting... - Found existing wifip2pd, overwriting... - Handling Installs in: /System/Library/CoreServices - Found existing, overwriting... - Handling Installs in: /System/Library/Frameworks - Installing: CoreWLAN.framework - Handling Installs in: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks - Installing: CoreWiFi.framework - Installing: IO80211.framework - Installing: WiFiPeerToPeer.framework - Writing patchset information to Root Volume - Checking if RSRMonitor is needed - No kexts found with GPUCompanionBundles, skipping RSRMonitor - Installing - checksums match, skipping - Installing com.dortania.opencore-legacy-patcher.macos-update.plist - com.dortania.opencore-legacy-patcher.macos-update.plist checksums match, skipping - Building new Auxiliary Kernel Collection - Unable to build Auxiliary Kernel Collection Subprocess failed. Command: ['/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.dortania.opencore-legacy-patcher.privileged-helper', '/usr/bin/kmutil', 'create', '--allow-missing-kdk', '--new', 'aux', '--boot-path', '/System/Volumes/Update/mnt1/System/Library/KernelCollections/BootKernelExtensions.kc', '--system-path', '/System/Volumes/Update/mnt1/System/Library/KernelCollections/SystemKernelExtensions.kc'] Return Code: 31 Standard Output: No variant specified, falling back to release No variant specified, falling back to release Error Domain=KMErrorDomain Code=31 "Error occurred while building a collection: Cannot build collection without binaries as only 1 codeless kexts provided" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Error occurred while building a collection: Cannot build collection without binaries as only 1 codeless kexts provided} Standard Error: None 

I then rebooted into recovery and reinstalled the OS, I then was able to boot back into macOS. I tried changing csr-active-config from 03080000 to 030A0000 and then rebooted, cleared NVRAM a couple of times and applied the root patches but I am still stuck on rebooting. To be able to boot back to Sequoia I had to enter recovery mode and just run these:

# mount -uw /Volumes/macOS # bless --mount /Volumes/macOS --bootefi --last-sealed-snapshot # reboot 

WiFi is not working without the root patch if you are on a Broadcom WiFi adapter. The next version of OCLP may resolve this I guess? Any other suggestion that I could try would also be appreciated!

submitted by /u/panosru1
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