Okay, time to get downvoted, but whatever.
So I've noticed that under every single fncking pre-made efi question post I see, make your own EFI.
I get that mostly people don't even try to fix their problem, I have no problem there, though would be nice to at least point to the potential fix in the guide, and then let the OP do his own research to avoid the problem in future while making his own bloody EFI.
But there are people who do use pre-made EFIs, and when the issue arises, the do research, try to fix on their own, and only later if they didn't succeed, they ask for help, the for fuck sake, help the man. At least point to the possible fix, why tf do you people repeatedly comment "mAke yOUr owN EfI".
By the way, if you do want to oblige with the rules, Rule 9 says nothing about asking or helping with the pre-made EFI. Just distribution of it on the sub for somebody to use it.
I also do not understand why would 2 laptops with the same specs be incompatible with the same EFI. Laptop manufacturers are too damn lazy pieces of shit to make every device in model line distinguish, sometimes even different models from the same vendor are well compatible.
I used SSDTs and USBMap, as well as good chunk of config.plist, am I sinful now, huh?
Reconsider your ideology people, otherwise you're just elitists.
By the way, I happily use T490s with Ventura, SSDTs, USBMap, good chunk of config.plist. works like a charm. I update the OpenCore , the kexts, the config.plist, everything is fine.
Have a good day people.
Edit: I saw somebody mention Olarıla, Hаckıntosh Zоnе, etc. I agree, they are bad, often fucking up the system. What I'm talking about is just EFI folder, made by somebody else already having this laptop.
Edit 2: even here lol, make your EFI. Nuh uh dude, my EFI works flawlessly, I'm happy with, and I'm a student who doesn't have much time to tinker with this shit lol
Edit 3: So the bot deleted op because of me mentioning Olarıla and Hаckıntosh Zоnе. So yeah, sorry for publishing again. Lmao.

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