OCLP Sonoma started running slow

I have a 2017 iMac that I have have OCLP installed for a few months and it has worked pretty well. One day last week I went to wake the computer from sleeping and it didn’t want to wake up. I clicked the mouse and keyboard a few times and nothing came up. I wound up having to hold the power button down and was able to hear it turn off. I started it back up and got an Apple error message that there was an error and that it would reboot.

It took a really long time for the reboot to come up to the login screen and when I finally got it I got another Apple error saying there was a problem and to either report or ignore. I clicked ignore as I figured it wouldn’t benefit giving them the info. Since then the computer has not ran the way it has in the past. Seems slower to respond now and I’m not quite sure why.

Has anyone else run into this? I currently have 1.5.0 OCLP installed. Thank you.

submitted by /u/AmmoJoee
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