OCLP 2.0 - Ventura 22G830 - Sanity check failure during root patch

Receiving the following error in OCLP v2.0 on my 2011 Mac Mini Server when trying to update root patches

  • Running sanity checks before patching
  • SystemVersion.plist build version mismatch: found 14.6.1 (23G93), expected 13.6.9 (22G830) An update is in progress on your machine and patching cannot continue until it is cancelled or finished
  • Unmounting root volume
  • Failed sanity checks, cannot continue with patching!!!
  • Please ensure that you do not have any updates pending

I’ve followed the steps from this video. The update files mentioned were successfully trashed, and if I click the Sonoma “Upgrade Now” button in System Settings, it does indeed fail (thankfully). Unfortunately, the snapshot is still appearing to be mounted when checking with diskutil in terminal, which I presume is what’s preventing the root patcher from passing the sanity checks.

Anyone have any thoughts/insights on this? Let me know if I’m missing something or I should share some additional info.

Much appreciated!

submitted by /u/thechriscrabb
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