Macbook Pro Mid 2009 "EFI 1.7 Firmware Update" ? SSD Running slow

Macbook Pro Mid 2009 "EFI 1.7 Firmware Update" ? SSD Running slow

Macbook PRO 5,5 Updated to Ventura 14.7 (New SSD hard drive and upgraded 8 GB RAM)

I upgraded the hard drive to an SSD (Verbatim Vi550 SATA3) but i think its running a bit slow, so i checked with BlackMagic Disk Speed Test and the results are Write ca 170 MB/s and read ca 200 MB/s. I know that the old MBPs only have SATA 2 but still these MB/s are a bit low no? It should be able to do like 300 MB/s.. no?

So i stumpled upon this:
MacBook Pro EFI Firmware Update 1.7

Is this something that would help my computer or will it mess up OCLP EFI?

submitted by /u/margincallcat
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