Installing macOS Mojave on a Ryzen 7 3700X with GTX 1650 and ASRock A520M-HDV

To install macOS Mojave on your PC with an AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, GTX 1650, and ASRock A520M-HDV motherboard, you'll need a customized EFI folder and the right kexts for AMD compatibility. Here’s how you can get started:

Guide Step-by-Step:

  1. Prepare a macOS Mojave Installer:

    • You will need access to a Mac or a Hackintosh to create a bootable USB drive with macOS Mojave.
    • Download macOS Mojave from the App Store.
    • Use Terminal to create a bootable installer:
      sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolume
    • Replace /Volumes/MyVolume with the name of your USB drive.
  2. Download OpenCore or Clover Bootloader:

    • Ryzen CPUs require OpenCore for better support, though Clover can also work with additional patches.
    • Download the latest OpenCore release from the OpenCore GitHub.
    • Copy the EFI folder from the OpenCore package to your bootable USB’s EFI partition.
  3. Add Required Kexts for AMD and Your Hardware: You'll need specific kexts for your CPU, GPU, and motherboard:

    • AMDRyzenCPUPowerManagement.kext for CPU power management.
    • WhateverGreen.kext and Lilu.kext for GPU (since NVIDIA drivers for Mojave won’t work with your GTX 1650, the graphics will default to basic).
    • RealtekRTL8111.kext for the onboard Ethernet on your ASRock motherboard.
  4. Configure OpenCore for AMD:

    • Download the Ryzen patches for OpenCore from the AMD-OSX community or Dortania guides.
    • Edit the config.plist file in the EFI/OC folder with the following:
      • Apply the Kernel patches for AMD Ryzen processors.
      • Disable the Nvidia Web Drivers and rely on basic VESA mode, as Mojave doesn’t support the GTX 1650 natively.
      • Add SMBIOS settings; use an iMacPro1,1 profile for AMD systems.
  5. BIOS Settings:

    • Set your BIOS to the following:
      • Disable: Secure Boot, Fast Boot, CSM (if available).
      • Enable: AHCI mode, Above 4G Decoding (if available).
    • Set your USB drive as the first boot option.
  6. Boot macOS from USB:

    • Reboot your system and select the USB drive from the OpenCore boot picker.
    • The installation process should begin. Follow the prompts to install macOS Mojave on your desired partition.
  7. Post-Installation:

    • Once macOS is installed, copy the EFI folder from the USB drive to the system’s internal EFI partition.
    • Fine-tune your configuration by adjusting kexts and patching the kernel further if needed.


  • GTX 1650 is not supported natively in Mojave. You can install macOS, but the graphics card will default to basic VESA mode, offering poor performance. Consider switching to an AMD GPU like an RX 580 for better compatibility.


This guide should help you get started on installing macOS Mojave on your AMD Ryzen system. For further adjustments, particularly with the graphics, consider upgrading to an AMD GPU or using newer macOS versions that support AMD hardware better.

I need help with macos mojave

Hello , i dont find efi for my pc my components for my pc are cpu : ryzen 7 3700x my gpu : gtx 1650 and the motherboard is ASRock A520M-HDV if soemone know how to install macos on this please contact me

submitted by /u/NoGap6044
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