I got a old MBP 17" 2011 and get tired of 10.13.1 so I decided to update it to Sonoma (14.6.1). Followed the instruction strictly, downloaded image in OCLP, built a usb installer, wiped my hard drive and started to install - and here we go again. My laptop rebooted when it reachs out like 16mins remaining on install page, then turn to the boot picker page so here's what I did:
- Choose EFI Boot with the golden drive icon;
- Choose Mac Installer to continue the installation;
- Huge code scrolling diwn on my screen while at about 16-18mins remaining, reboot, repeat step 1-2;
- OR it jumps to MacOS Install Assistant and promote me "An error occured whil preparing the software updating", then gives me a window with nothing to choose to boot.
I reseted my NVRAM, redownloaded and built the USB installer for hundred times, my RAM and SSD are strong af but I just CAN'T install anything. Im so frustrated and desparated now - any solution?

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