Archive for September 2024

I want to create a bootable usb for mac os

I want to create a bootable usb for mac os to run on my hp pavillion, 16 gb ram computer with i5 intel processor. I want to bootable usb to work like how tails os works, you first flash it with the image and then select it from bios. It does not delete or alter any data. I want to create the same but for mac os and I want my normal windows 11 to run without corrupting any data. Please help

submitted by /u/Equivalent_World_604
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No WiFi on MacBookPro14,2 with 2.0.0 and Sequoia

I updated OpenCore Legacy Patcher to 2.0, installed Sequoia Developer Beta through System Settings, then did the Post-Install Root Patch. Everything looks working, WiFi shows connected, but there is no internet.

Any ideas how to fix this?

submitted by /u/tomastar
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Turning an HyperX dongle to a generic dongle to pair airpods.

Hi! My HyperX Pulsefire Dart mouse has broken and I still have the dongle. I'd like to use it as a generic BT dongle to pair airpods. Does anyone know if this is possible?

submitted by /u/Eleduel
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Stuck at Exitbs:Start, please help

I tried all the fixes from the dortania tutorial, I looked at the opencode logs, there's nothing there either. my specs: Laptop Asus Vivobook Max x541sa Intel Celeron N3060 Intel HD Graphics 400 4 gb ram

submitted by /u/Neko-Tech
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Is there a reason not to go for the newest MacOS release? (iMac late 2012, 21,5")

I have a late 2012 iMac (21,5") and alredy created an OCLP stick with Sonoma following the guide on the website, but before I start installing it, I was wondering if there is a valid reason to go with an older version of MacOS (Ventura or Monterey). Would performance be (significantly) better in those older version? Or are there (big) bugs in Sonoma vs. the older versions? (I am aware that there could be occasional issues with WiFi, BT, etc.)

submitted by /u/Okapiden
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Do I have to change plist with gpu upgrade? Opencore Question

Hi there I will be updating my gpu from a RX 460 to an rx580 I was curious if I need to change some settings in my plist for it to work? Or will it be plug and play? I’m on 10.14.6 Mojave.


submitted by /u/trevor1030
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garage band not

Translated Report (Full Report Below)

Incident Identifier: CD30CBDA-5383-4A75-AD86-CF88172F237F CrashReporter Key: 361AB74B-35FA-81F7-3648-A3CCAFD2DC3E Hardware Model: MacBookPro5,5 Process: GarageBand [26730] Path: /Applications/ Identifier: Version: 10.3.5 (5305) Code Type: X86-64 (Native) Role: Default Parent Process: launchd [1] Coalition: [7861]

Date/Time: 2024-09-16 13:14:36.0495 +0900 Launch Time: 2024-09-16 13:14:32.5837 +0900 OS Version: macOS 14.6.1 (23G93) Release Type: User Report Version: 104

Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGKILL (Code Signature Invalid)) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000 Termination Reason: CODESIGNING 1 Taskgated Invalid Signature

Triggered by Thread: 0

Thread 0 Crashed: 0 dyld_path_missing 0x11a581010 _dyld_start + 0 1 main_executable_path_missing 0x10915d000 ???

Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (64-bit): rax: 0x0000000000000000 rbx: 0x0000000000000000 rcx: 0x0000000000000000 rdx: 0x0000000000000000 rdi: 0x0000000000000000 rsi: 0x0000000000000000 rbp: 0x0000000000000000 rsp: 0x00007ff7b6da2bf8 r8: 0x0000000000000000 r9: 0x0000000000000000 r10: 0x0000000000000000 r11: 0x0000000000000000 r12: 0x0000000000000000 r13: 0x0000000000000000 r14: 0x0000000000000000 r15: 0x0000000000000000 rip: 0x000000011a581010 rfl: 0x0000000000000200 cr2: 0x0000000000000000

Logical CPU: 0 Error Code: 0x00000000 Trap Number: 0

Binary Images: 0x11a57c000 - 0x11a60cfff dyld_path_missing () <18f658dd-20f3-324d-b7ac-8a9c60b574b3> /dyld_path_missing 0x10915d000 - 0x10a93bfff main_executable_path_missing () <e29b7f4e-c808-3957-8b97-73fba8357e18> /main_executable_path_missing 0x0 - 0xffffffffffffffff ??? (*) <00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000> ???

Error Formulating Crash Report: dyld_process_snapshot_get_shared_cache failed


Full Report

{"appname":"GarageBand","timestamp":"2024-09-16 13:14:40.00 +0900","app_version":"10.3.5","slice_uuid":"e29b7f4e-c808-3957-8b97-73fba8357e18","build_version":"5305","platform":0,"bundleID":"","share_with_app_devs":0,"is_first_party":0,"bug_type":"309","os_version":"macOS 14.6.1 (23G93)","roots_installed":0,"name":"GarageBand","incident_id":"CD30CBDA-5383-4A75-AD86-CF88172F237F"} { "uptime" : 98000, "procRole" : "Default", "version" : 2, "userID" : 501, "deployVersion" : 210, "modelCode" : "MacBookPro5,5", "coalitionID" : 7861, "osVersion" : { "train" : "macOS 14.6.1", "build" : "23G93", "releaseType" : "User" }, "captureTime" : "2024-09-16 13:14:36.0495 +0900", "codeSigningMonitor" : 0, "incident" : "CD30CBDA-5383-4A75-AD86-CF88172F237F", "pid" : 26730, "cpuType" : "X86-64", "roots_installed" : 0, "bug_type" : "309", "procLaunch" : "2024-09-16 13:14:32.5837 +0900", "procStartAbsTime" : 98360904049173, "procExitAbsTime" : 98361401526884, "procName" : "GarageBand", "procPath" : "/Applications/", "bundleInfo" : {"CFBundleShortVersionString":"10.3.5","CFBundleVersion":"5305","CFBundleIdentifier":""}, "buildInfo" : {"ProjectName":"MALogic","SourceVersion":"5305000000000000","ProductBuildVersion":"10P62","BuildVersion":"2"}, "storeInfo" : {"deviceIdentifierForVendor":"5B33368B-E8A2-5B2E-A46E-611A74E9BEFE","thirdParty":true}, "parentProc" : "launchd", "parentPid" : 1, "coalitionName" : "", "crashReporterKey" : "361AB74B-35FA-81F7-3648-A3CCAFD2DC3E", "codeSigningID" : "", "codeSigningTeamID" : "", "codeSigningFlags" : 16777216, "codeSigningValidationCategory" : 0, "codeSigningTrustLevel" : 4294967295, "sip" : "enabled", "exception" : {"codes":"0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000","rawCodes":[0,0],"type":"EXC_CRASH","signal":"SIGKILL (Code Signature Invalid)"}, "termination" : {"flags":66,"code":1,"namespace":"CODESIGNING","indicator":"Taskgated Invalid Signature"}, "extMods" : {"caller":{"thread_create":0,"thread_set_state":0,"task_for_pid":0},"system":{"thread_create":0,"thread_set_state":0,"task_for_pid":0},"targeted":{"thread_create":0,"thread_set_state":0,"task_for_pid":0},"warnings":0}, "faultingThread" : 0, "threads" : [{"triggered":true,"id":706135,"threadState":{"r13":{"value":0},"rax":{"value":0},"rflags":{"value":512},"cpu":{"value":0},"r14":{"value":0},"rsi":{"value":0},"r8":{"value":0},"cr2":{"value":0},"rdx":{"value":0},"r10":{"value":0},"r9":{"value":0},"r15":{"value":0},"rbx":{"value":0},"trap":{"value":0},"err":{"value":0},"r11":{"value":0},"rip":{"value":4736946192,"matchesCrashFrame":1},"rbp":{"value":0},"rsp":{"value":140701901401080},"r12":{"value":0},"rcx":{"value":0},"flavor":"x86_THREAD_STATE","rdi":{"value":0}},"frames":[{"imageOffset":20496,"symbol":"_dyld_start","symbolLocation":0,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":0,"imageIndex":1}]}], "usedImages" : [ { "source" : "P", "arch" : "x86_64", "base" : 4736925696, "size" : 593920, "uuid" : "18f658dd-20f3-324d-b7ac-8a9c60b574b3", "path" : "/dyld_path_missing", "name" : "dyld_path_missing" }, { "source" : "P", "arch" : "x86_64", "base" : 4447391744, "size" : 25030656, "uuid" : "e29b7f4e-c808-3957-8b97-73fba8357e18", "path" : "/main_executable_path_missing", "name" : "main_executable_path_missing" }, { "size" : 0, "source" : "A", "base" : 0, "uuid" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" } ], "vmSummary" : "ReadOnly portion of Libraries: Total=26.5M resident=0K(0%) swapped_out_or_unallocated=26.5M(100%)\nWritable regions: Total=9824K written=0K(0%) resident=0K(0%) swapped_out=0K(0%) unallocated=9824K(100%)\n\n VIRTUAL REGION \nREGION TYPE SIZE COUNT (non-coalesced) \n=========== ======= ======= \nSTACK GUARD 56.0M 1 \nStack 8192K 1 \nVM_ALLOCATE 4K 1 \nDATA 4664K 4 \nDATA_CONST 24K 1 \nDATA_DIRTY 8K 2 \nLINKEDIT 2148K 3 \n_TEXT 24.4M 2 \nmapped file 3.8G 26 \nshared memory 8K 2 \n=========== ======= ======= \nTOTAL 3.9G 43 \n", "legacyInfo" : { "threadTriggered" : {

} }, "logWritingSignature" : "ce74380be02e8882fd85a85e89b1b54dfd219e1d", "trialInfo" : { "rollouts" : [ { "rolloutId" : "6410af69ed1e1e7ab93ed169", "factorPackIds" : {

 }, "deploymentId" : 240000011 }, { "rolloutId" : "639124e81d92412bfb4880b3", "factorPackIds" : { }, "deploymentId" : 240000012 } 

], "experiments" : [ { "treatmentId" : "c47ab4cc-c9c3-4b5d-a87c-e2433ce02597", "experimentId" : "6639bc6ba73d460582162323", "deploymentId" : 400000006 }, { "treatmentId" : "45f4e2a5-551b-4bc2-a2dc-19c244dda8f8", "experimentId" : "6643969b3099cf28e049862f", "deploymentId" : 400000006 } ] }, "reportNotes" : [ "dyld_process_snapshot_get_shared_cache failed" ] }

Garage band didn't run, so I ran it because someone told me to do it non-metal and it's like that...How should I do it...

submitted by /u/StatisticianOk3750
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Trying to get hardware acceleration on sandy bridge uhd 2000

Trying to get hardware acceleration on sandy bridge uhd 2000

So I tried to spoof my igpu on macOS Catalina opencore 0.6.4 and every time I get this

submitted by /u/Dellguy0
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Hackintosh Legacy Bios Dual montior Crash


I am currently using a legacy X58 system with Hackintosh installed.

I have performed a Post Install with OpenCore Legacy Patcher on macOS Sequoia, and everything works well.

However, there is one issue: the dual monitors are not functioning.

When only one monitor is connected, everything works fine. But when I boot with both monitors connected, the screen flickers and the desktop does not appear.

If I connect the monitors after the computer has booted, the first monitor turns white or pink, and the system stops functioning.

I have tried methods like deleting/installing SSDT-BRG0 or WEG, but the issue persists.

I suspect that this might be due to the Legacy BIOS of the X58 system.

The issue does not occur and everything works well on UEFI-supported Z68 or X79 systems.

Can this problem be resolved?

For reference, I am providing the EFI folder and system specifications.


CPU : Intel Core i7-990X Extreme Edition 3.33Ghz (6C12T)

RAM : Corsair Dominator DDR3 2400Mhz 40GB(8x4, 4x2)

GPU : AMD Radeon Vega Frontier Edition 16GB(Use DP)

M/B : ASUS ROG Rampage III Black Edition X58

SSD : SK Hynix P31(Use Converter)

PSU : Corsair HX1200 1200W 80+ Platinum


submitted by /u/True-Sympathy-707
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Hackintosh on a hypervisor on AMD hardware?

I used to run a solid hackintosh on bare metal for several years, but now am considering moving it on top a KVM/QEMU layer on my home server, with a GPU passthrough for acceleration. At the same time, I am considering upgrading the home server hardware and am considering switching from Intel to AMD. Would this setup have the same compatibility issues as if I were running the hackintosh on bare metal AMD?

submitted by /u/karmaisnonsense
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OCLP 2.0 on MacPro5,1

While Sequoia support is great, it disabling all but 4 cores makes it almost a deal breaker (not OCLP’s fault, and I hope they figure out a work-around soon).

I’ll install it on everything else, and obviously will update OCLP and the root patches to 2.0 on my Sonoma running MacPro5,1.

Anyone else on MacPro5,1 with the same quandary?

submitted by /u/AdditionNo7505
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OCLP 2.0 - Ventura 22G830 - Sanity check failure during root patch

Receiving the following error in OCLP v2.0 on my 2011 Mac Mini Server when trying to update root patches

  • Running sanity checks before patching
  • SystemVersion.plist build version mismatch: found 14.6.1 (23G93), expected 13.6.9 (22G830) An update is in progress on your machine and patching cannot continue until it is cancelled or finished
  • Unmounting root volume
  • Failed sanity checks, cannot continue with patching!!!
  • Please ensure that you do not have any updates pending

I’ve followed the steps from this video. The update files mentioned were successfully trashed, and if I click the Sonoma “Upgrade Now” button in System Settings, it does indeed fail (thankfully). Unfortunately, the snapshot is still appearing to be mounted when checking with diskutil in terminal, which I presume is what’s preventing the root patcher from passing the sanity checks.

Anyone have any thoughts/insights on this? Let me know if I’m missing something or I should share some additional info.

Much appreciated!

submitted by /u/thechriscrabb
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Computer slows down during times like zipping/unzipping, moving files to other drives (internal or external) or downloading large files (via browser or torrenting)

The build otherwise runs fantastically. I did a clean install with the Dortania guide and had no issues. I didn't even notice these slow downs until I started using the computer regularly. Prior, it was a Clover High Sierra build and without any of these issues.

Any ideas of what it could be? I can post any additional info that may help.

Thank you!

Monterey 12.7.3



Intel HD 4600

submitted by /u/ilikemyrealname
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Upgraded from Sonoma to Sequoia, runs great on my late 2013 rMBP!

New cpu and gpu need help

I went from i5 4460 + RX 560 to 5600x + RX 6800. I have Monterey installed on it, do I need to change config file from zero or do I need just a few tweaks. Also, how do I upgrade to Sonoma (or wait for sequoia)? I have dualboot on the same ssd. How do I do this without messing up the booting? Thanks.

submitted by /u/Prize-Wolverine-4982
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Strongest and latest mac os supported intel cpu and intelgpu for hackintosh?

I think intel i5 12th gen. No idea about gpu.

submitted by /u/-AnujMishra
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SSD Upgrade

I know I should have upgraded my hdd to ssd before I updated my MacBook to Monterey question is can I clone my spinning hdd to ssd the same way I would if I didn’t use OCLP Thanks

submitted by /u/DjTieBe
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Stuck on weird log on boot after oclp haswell patches

Stuck on weird log on boot after oclp haswell patches

I installed Ventura on my haswell laptop and it went very smooth. After the installation, I opened oclp and applied haswell patches. After I booted I am stuck with some weird logs that appear in a loop.

I was on Monterey and I prepared the usb installer via terminal as per dortania's guide. Then I booted the installer, and installed. After that I applied oclp.

I got the efi on github from a guy that has the exact same laptop as mine

submitted by /u/Latinotech
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Which version should i install, for IOS development?

Macpro 5,1 would not boot

Hi, I recently faced this issue where my Mac Pro would not boot. I tried nvram reset and it did not boot, I do not see anything on the display. I’d appreciate if anyone has faced this and can share what fixed it? In addition, if I power it off and turn it on, I still hear a chime and without holding any key on the keyboard. Still nothing on the screen. Did I mess my system up! :/

Edit: if I remove my usb installer, and turn it on, it chimes, nothing shows up on screen and eventually turns off.

submitted by /u/noonereally7
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2016 macbook pro 2.9 i7 and 16gb running sequoia like garbage

Won't install post root patches shuts off by itself, touch bar dead,

submitted by /u/Osito713
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Hackintosh really close to booting be like


hey there, I'm trying to build a hackintosh and the specs of my machine are :-

Its a ThinkPad L380 yoga

Intel i5 8th gen/ UHD 620

16 gigs of ram

256 gb SSD

I fist tried building my own EFI but since it didn't work, i started to find other EFI folders online and unfortunately i couldn't find which worked with my machine , so I'm back to my own EFI folder but am not able to figure out was the issue i also check open core's troubleshooting page but that did help too. = link to config.plist file and the error file

submitted by /u/burhanmoiz101
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Hakintosh vs. Windows (Ableton performance).


Kann mir bitte jemand erklären, warum Ableton auf Hakintosh SO VIEL besser funktioniert als unter Windows?

Ich habe einige „schwere“ Ableton-Projekte (viele Kontakt- und Serum-Instanzen). Die Projekte belasten in Ableton unter Windows nur die CPU, funktionieren aber in Ableton auf Hakintosh (natürlich der gleiche PC/Laptop) wie ein Zauber (CPU etwa 50-60 %).

Laden von Projekten, Laden von Kontakt-Bibliotheken, alle iZotope Mastering VSTs, Rendern ... einfach alles geht auf Hakintosh viel, viel schneller.

Wie bereits erwähnt habe ich es auf demselben PC mit demselben externen Laufwerk getestet (alle meine Kontakt-Bibliotheken, Samples, Presets und Projekte befinden sich auf einem externen Laufwerk). Alles, was ich für die Musikproduktion verwende, ist gekauft/legal (sowohl Mac als auch PC).

Ich verstehe einfach nicht, warum der Leistungsunterschied so groß ist.

submitted by /u/mxmusixspot
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Sequoia RC running fine on 2016 MacBook Pro 16Gb RAM

No hardware or functionalities limitations.

It's even a little snappier than Sonoma, but maybe just because it's a fresh install.

Used several apps, including Premiere Pro latest version, and everything is smooth.

submitted by /u/etheredit
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Ryzen 5 5600g Ventura

Updating, minor update help

Hey, I just finished the Hackintosh, and I wanted to know, is it okay updating from 13.6.6 to 13.6.9?

Can it cause issues?

submitted by /u/StanIsBread
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Sequoia on MacBook Air 2014 11”!!

Macos refusing to install no matter the version

i am trying to install mac os on this laptop and i followed the opencore guide to the letter and made my own efi and whenever i try to install it freezes at half the loading bar when i try to boot the thumb drivei have tryed sonoma montrey and ventura and it never works

submitted by /u/GemYt844
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I recently installed ventura on my haswell laptop and oclp is suggesting me to install intel and nvidia gpu patches. I applied patches and I after restarting I faced a kernel panic. I solved it by removing the patches from recovery. My question is, can I really install Nvidia (Nvidia K2100M) patches as oclp suggests or should I ignore that patch and just install intel patches. If it's the second, how do I prompt oclp to install only intel patches

submitted by /u/Latinotech
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OCLP nvidia patch

I recently installed ventura on my haswell laptop and oclp is suggesting me to install intel and nvidia gpu patches. I applied patches and I after restarting I faced a kernel panic. I solved it by removing the patches from recovery. My question is, can I really install Nvidia (Nvidia K2100M) patches as oclp suggests or should I ignore that patch and just install intel patches. If it's the second, how do I prompt oclp to install only intel patches

submitted by /u/Latinotech
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macOS Sequoia RC installer

Hello, is there a way to get Sequoia RC as file? Want to install it on usb flash drive. Last downable beta version is 8.

What is systems folder path, where the temporary RC file is stored?

submitted by /u/Raimiky
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My MBA...

Hey all, I have a macbook air 2015 with 4 GB ram, I am stuck on mac OS Monterey, and was thinking of oclp upgrading it to a newer OS, I need help choosing which will run smoothly for browsing without much problems, I'll try to tell a technician to try and upgrade ram but currently idk...

submitted by /u/expertatgeography
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Xcode 15 iOS preview not working

I recently upgraded my iMac (Late 2013) to Ventura using OCLP and I wanted to try and use it for basic iOS programming for a class. When I make a project, the Mac preview shows up fine, but when I switch to "Any iOS (arm64)", it either loads the phone preview but displays a black screen on the phone or gives me multiple errors like "Timed out waiting for launch/connect to preview shell after 30 secs" or "failed to launch app in a reasonable amount of time". Also, it constantly crashes Spotlight for some reason whenever I use Xcode.

Anyone else have this problem or a solution for it?

submitted by /u/Optik_Fusion
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I have a Thinkpad p14s Gen 2 with a 5000 series Ryzen 7 pro - Trouble installing macOS

Is it worth installing macOS? I do a lot of Linux coding. However, will all features work ? I don't care about time machine but I at least need Bluetooth. Also, I'm struggling figuring out the whole process and to make my own EFI that matches my hardware specifications.

I tried last night but I ran I to an issue where after I ran macOS on the USB drive, there was a bunch of frozen white text.

submitted by /u/Existingisagony
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No graphic acceleration even if the memory says 1536 MB.

No graphic acceleration even if the memory says 1536 MB.




Cpu: intel i5 4590

Gpu: integrated intel HD 4600

Desktop Name: HP Prodesk 400 G2

However, if i change the smbios from iMac16,2 to something else like Macmini8,1, momentarily i get accleleration until i restart my hackintosh. (NOTE: doing this too doesn't work every time. and if i change smbios from Mac mini to iMac again same episode until i restart and boom, everything is gone.)


submitted by /u/-AnujMishra
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MacOS 14.4.6 Fenvi T919 Support

Hello, I currently am running 14.4.1 and AirDrop works very well with the Fenvi T919. I would like to update to 14.6.1. While I do understand I will need to re-apply the OCLP patch, is there anything else?

submitted by /u/pussylover772
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It is possible to get big sur working on a early 2008 MacBook

It is possible to get big sur working on a early 2008 MacBook

The open legacy boot loader is installed but every time MacBook is attempting to boot up to big air ,it shows this error.Is there ways to get around it and get it boot to the setup ?

submitted by /u/Cola_Windows
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[pre-release] macOS Sequoia

Hi @Ludox I send PM to you, because people here ask me not post links from DEVS its from Workflow build-app-wxpython.yml | Branch main / Officially Repository dortania/OpenCore-Legacy-Patcher


[pre-release] macOS Sequoia

Hi @naiclub If Sequoia is installed on your Core i5-4500 Intel machine, it's a pitty to use OCLP only for Broadcom card (I suppose!). Buy another one: Intel wifi bluetooth for example (take a look to OpenIntelWireless GitHub repo). It's just my opinion. I do that for my Z390 machine.


Creating OpenCore installer and can't find one of the files mentioned that is required

Trying to build my Hackintosh installer, and am unable to locate a download for the OpenRuntime.efi and figured that I would ask here as I am hitting a wall looking for that thing.

submitted by /u/Destado1
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[pre-release] macOS Sequoia

@Ludox - GitHub/OpenCore-Legacy-Patcher/ Click on this line: For developers wishing to validate mainline changes, you may use this link: GUI (Graphical Based App). (Done without violating the OCLP DEVS request, I think).
