Question about time machine

So i want to backup all the data on my hackintosh install (just in case i do something stupid and delete the whole ssd again) using time machine, i seen some posts that say use carbon cloner or superduper but will timemachine still work? since i already have a time machine backup on my second SSD and i also want to use the second ssd for normal file usage too (such as some apps or mac os installers on there, so basically a panic disk as i call it for when i have to reinstall a system, i have a buncha windows isos on there too) so i dont want to make the entire ssd dedicated to my mac os backup, so will time machine work like ona real mac (like lets say im moving to a new mac then its something like backup from old mac and then restore from new mac on the setup screen when it asks you for a backup) thanks!

damn i feel like i wrote a entire essay about a simple question

submitted by /u/IConsumeBread94
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