Gigabyte GC-WBAX200 Wifi compatibility with macOS

I have just spent around 1600aud on parts for a pc (r5 5600x, rx 6600, 2 2TB nvme with nvmefix.kext (1 is used as a windows drive and 2 is a macos drive) and 32gb of ddr4 memory), i hopped into the macOS installer, and had no wifi, which I wasn’t surprised at, but I had no Ethernet, no wifi dongle, and my option was to get a wifi card (pcie) and checked and found a: gigabyte gc-wbax200 which supposedly uses intels AX200 which (should) work with itlwm, but before dropping 80 aud on this, I just want to ask if anyone is using this and if it is compatible.

submitted by /u/Dellmeanswearebroke
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