Can I install Opencore on this MacPro 5.1?

Hi, I’m a complete noob so please forgive me in advance.

I bought a very powerful refurbished MacPro 5.1 about three years ago and it worked perfectly until I needed to update OS in order to install the last version of Adobe Premiere Pro. I still run Mojave and unfortunately Premiere is stucked at 2021.

I’ve searched on internet to understand if I can install Opencore on my Mac without losing important features and capabilities (like my GPU for example) but I’m still not sure because, as said, I’m a complete noob about this topic and I don’t want to make fatal mistakes

Here are the specs:

Mac Pro (Mid 2012) Processor: 3.46 GHz 12-core Intel Xeon dual processor Graphics: AMD Radeon RX580 with 8GB of memory Memory: 128GB DDR3 1333 MHz 8x16

Thanks in advance to anyone who can and wants to help me.

submitted by /u/No_Ocelot3466
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