Before updating macOS Somoma from 14.3 to 14.5, all SSDs and HDs were displayed. Now after the update it only displays the SSD where it is installed.

I have two macOS Sonoma (Production v14.3 and Test v14.5) installed on my Hackintosh.

But after updating macOS Somoma Teste to version 14.5 only the SSD where macOS Somoma Teste is installed is displayed.

macOS Sonoma Production (v14.3) continues normally, displaying all SSDs and HDs.

Before updating macOS Somoma Test from 14.3 to 14.5, all SSDs and HDs were displayed. Now after the update it only displays the SSD where it is installed.

Any tips please?

Note: I updated to 14.6 and the problem continues.

submitted by /u/webipsum
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