Xcode errors with opencore MAC 6,1 Sonoma

So I installed Sonoma using opencore legacy on my 2013 mac pro 6,1.

Everything works great, however, I have been working on an IOS app that keeps returning error that no matter what I do, I cannot solve. The app works well on my phone, and on the xcode emulators, however, on my phone it returns these 4 errors, which I cannot figure out. I have checked everyhere, including chatgpt. Nothing I do fixes it. What is stranger is that when i submitted the app for app store approval, the apple people said they just get a blank screen and the app doesn't work at all.

I am starting to think that maybe it is related to some issue between my mac and xcode 15.4 not being intended to work with each other.

Here are the errors:

Warning: -[BETextInput attributedMarkedText] is unimplemented

nw_application_id_create_self NECP_CLIENT_ACTION_GET_SIGNED_CLIENT_ID 80

Failed to resolve host network app id

Invalidating grant <invalid NS/CF object> failed

Any ideas?

submitted by /u/Flat-Needleworker487
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