What's the best way to revive a 2000 Power Mac G4 Cube?

It's antique, I know I know. But, a really good friend of mine would love to get it functioning again for nostalgia sake. Preferably with a Mac OS that can function with today's internet technology (bonus points if a WiFi dongle will function on the USB port). Currently I can get connected to the router via ethernet, but as far as accessing anything on the interwebs... yeah, no.

So, from what I can figure out, I'm probably best going with some form of Linux/Ubuntu/etc. ... If I go that route I could use some advice on the best distro etc. Side note, I haven't installed a Ubuntu distro on anything since ~c. 2011 (Peppermint OS)

TL:DR - I could use some recommendations for starting direction - Could I get Open Core Legacy Patcher on such an old machine, or better to go with a Linux distro, and if so which version would be best for such an ancient Mac? Thanks.

submitted by /u/SilentButFredly
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