Trying to update/install Clover 5037+Mojave to OC+Catalina - Loss of iGPU/Black Screen during OC Boot

As it says in the title: I've got a working Hack running 14.6 and Clover 5037 (Typing on it rn, actually), and I'm trying to move the install to OpenCore and Catalina (or higher - I also have a Big Sur installer prepped.) for software compatibility.

When booting from my Catalina USB, I get a decent way through the text output and then my monitor reports 'No Signal'. Computer still runs and the log (attached, alongside EFI partition filetree) isn't throwing up any errors I can notice at 1st glance.

Is this an NVRAM thing? Is there an issue with my trying to install 'over' an existing Hack? I did notice that after my 1st try, Clover booted up with the -v argument, which I've had disabled for literal years. If push comes to show I backed up my important files, but I'd prefer this be an 'Update' if at all possible.

Any help appreciated!

Debug Log

EFI Folder


CPU - i5 9600K


RAM - 32GB

Mobo - Gigabyte z390 M Gaming, BIOS F9

submitted by /u/IBNYX
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