Thinkpad Z16 - Full AMD hackintosh laptop questions

Just ordered a Thinkpad Z16 laptop, has a Ryzen 9 Pro 6950H with 680M iGPU and a dedicated AMD RX 6500M GPU.

The dGPU is natively supported in macOS, but now i'm also reading that a mux switch is necessary to be able to use it under macOS. Is that true? Is there no other way around that? I'm not sure if the Z16 has a mux switch but I did find one comment on reddit saying it doesn't. and I think the iGPU 680M is not supported at all yet so thats a no go as well?

If I do indeed absolutely need a mux switch to use the dGPU in macOS, then what about some sort of virtualization - could I have a different host OS and then passthrough the dGPU to macOS, as it is natively supported?

Thanks guys!

submitted by /u/RelevantArtichoke924
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