Stuck with "AppleKeyStore: operation failed" and "Too many corpses being created" after reboot during macOS install

Hi everyone,

I'm encountering a problem during the macOS installation on my HP G8 245 laptop. After the initial phase of the installation and a required reboot, I get stuck with the following error messages:

AppleKeyStore: 12195:77: operation failed (sel: 7 ret: e00002c2,-1) process crashed: opendirectoryd. Too many corpses being created 

The initial boot from the bootable USB went fine, and the first part of the installation completed without any issues. However, after the reboot, I'm stuck with these error messages and cannot proceed further.

I've tried using verbose mode to get more information, but I'm not sure how to resolve these errors. Has anyone experienced similar issues or have any suggestions on how to fix this?

Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/ZestycloseFuture1132
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