Static audio after 30 seconds idle

I have this weird issue where there will be static noise coming out of my headphones after ~30 seconds of no sound being played. You get this same result if you unplug the cable from the line out on the computer, or if you're not booted into an operating system. I've (of course) updated macOS, AppleALC, OpenCore as well as my other kernel extensions. I found a program called antipop but it did not solve the problem. Not sure if that's because it doesn't work on Sonoma, or because it just doesn't solve the problem, but it didn't work.

I believe what's happening is macOS is disabling the audio system until the time comes to actually output something, causing my receiver (hooked up to the line out) to output annoying static noise to my headphones (plugged in through the 6.35mm jack on the front of the receiver). I could be wrong about that however, of course, but it sounds reasonable to me because the static stops again if I play any sound (e.g. try to raise/lower the volume).

You could blame this on the receiver, but at the same time this isn't a problem on Linux with Pipewire nor Windows, so it really seems like a macOS issue. Any ideas on what could be causing this or what I could do to try and fix it?

macOS: Sonoma 14.5

SMBIOS: iMac20,2

Layout ID: 11

Motherboard: ASUS ROG Strix Z490-G Gaming (Wifi)

CPU: i9 10900

GPU: AMD RX 570 (8GB)

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/speediegq
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