S.M.A.R.T "not supported" blocking me from installing Catalina

Hi all, I've encountered a frustrating issue while trying to install Catalina on my laptop.

I've followed every instruction on dortania to a tee, and everything seems to be working as expected right up to the point where I get through to the final stage of hitting install. At this point it tells me that I'm unable to install because of a S.M.A.R.T. issue.

Initially I assumed this meant the hard drive was bad, so I tried it with a different hard drive (that I know from testing in other machines is definitely not faulty), but it came up with the same error.

Weirdly, Disk Utility isn't saying there's a S.M.A.R.T error, simply that it's "not supported" on both drives. I've checked through every option on my BIOS but no matter what I do, nothing works.

I've also tried installing Catalina from the terminal using:

/Install\ macOS\ Catalina.app/Contents/Resources/startosinstall --agreetolicense --volume /Volumes/*harddrive*

This seemed to work (though it was INCREDIBLY slow). It made it to the point of my laptop restarting but still doesn't seem to have worked properly. I'm utterly baffled by what to do here! Any help would be much appreciated...

submitted by /u/OverallEscape3122
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