Opencore - Dual Unix OS's on Separate Drive

Opencore - Dual Unix OS's on Separate Drive

Hi Team,

In my computer I have separate disks. One of the disks (Disk 3) contains two Linux OS's. The bootpicker shows the OS's, but not in the ideal way.

I have the following disks:

  • Disk 1 : Windows 11
  • Disk 2: Opencore EFI, MacOS Sonoma and Linux Mint
  • Disk 3: Linux Kali and Parrot OS

My bios is set to boot from Disk 2, where I am able to boot to everything via Opencore.

My Disk 3, has 4 separate partitions.

  • p1 is my EFI
  • p2 is Kali
  • p3 is Parrot OS
  • p4 is a Linux swap partition created by Kali.

The EFI folder on p1 contains /EFI/boot, /EFI/kali, and /EFI/Parrot. Inside kali and parrot folders, each contains a grubx64.efi file.

When booting, the bootpicker shows two generic drive icons labeled "LINUX" (the label name of disk 3, partition 1). I cannot tell which icon is which OS.

I would love to have these properly identified in the bootpicker, with the corresponding icons. Ideally, Opencore can auto-recognize the two OS's. I do have the linux drivers properly loaded - it auto-recognizes the Linux Mint partition on disk 2.


1) I did the drive mapping for the Disk 3, and I created two entries in >Misc > Entries:

With this, the bootpicker shows the Kali and Parrot choices with generic icons. BUT it also shows the two generic "LINUX" icons. This is better, but not great.

2) I tried adding an entry to the "xxx/\EFI\boot\bootx64.efi" and cataloged it as "Auxiliary" (which bootpicker hides until I hit spacebar). Result: the two "LINUX" choices still appear.

3) Copied /EFI/grubx64.efi to the Kali and Parrot partitions AND erased the /EFI folder in p1. Result: Shows only the Kali and Parrot choices properly (w generic icons), but neither will boot.

As far as the generic icons, I have tried two things:

  • Copied custom .VolumeIcon.icns to root of each partition
  • Copied custom grubx64.efi.icns to /EFI/kali and /Efi/Parrot

Thank you for reading this far... Is there a way that the bootpicker shows only the two OS's with the unique icons? Same as it does with the Linux Mint.

Thank you again.

submitted by /u/hernandito-nyc
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