OCLP and Ventura on external SSD (sleep mode issue)

I am running Ventura with OCLP on an external SSD with iMac 15,1. I found that sleep mode only works if I quit Google Chrome (by right clicking on it in my dock and selecting quit). If Google Chrome process is active in my dock and the iMac goes into sleep mode, I won't be able to wake up the iMac and need to force a shutdown via long power keypress. I see that if I have one Google Chrome window open, a bunch of Google Chrome Helper (Renderer) processes are running. If I close all of my Google Chrome windows, but don't quit the Google Chrome application in the dock, I also have this problem of not being able to wake up the iMac. If all of the Google Chrome windows are closed, but I don't quit the Google Chrome app in the dock, I see the following Google Chrome related processes in Activity Monitor: Google Chrome, Google Chrome Helper (Plugin), Google Chrome Helper (two instances). One or more of these processes are causing a problem with sleep mode.

I know that the obvious fix is to stop using Google Chrome, but I use Google Chrome because KeePassXC is not supported in Safari. Is there anything I can do so that I don't have a problem with sleep mode when I don't quit the Google Chrome app?

submitted by /u/DragonflyUseful9634
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