mach reboot [ahci][disk][0D000030] changepowerstate::4394:inpowerstatecommand:224 status=0x0 then reboot

CPU: amd r7 7700

GPU: amd rx 6750gre 12G

MB: asus b650m-e wifi

Nvm2: Zhitai ti600 1T

sdd: kingston 240G

hdd: 1T segate

macOS to install: sonoma

opencore version: 1.0

When I install sonoma to my computer, I've got the "macOS installer" in my OC boot menu, but when i select this menu to install, it away show me

"mach reboot [ahci][disk][0D000030] changepowerstate::4394:inpowerstatecommand:224 status=0x0 "

.... then reboot fastly, and the OC Logs end at

"26:572 00:021 AAPL: #[EB|LOG:DT] 2024-07-01T17:22:48 26:594 00:021 AAPL: #[EB|LOG:EXITBS:START] 2024-07-01T17:22:48" 

How to fix it ? pls help me

here is my config file config.plist

submitted by /u/Mobile-Party2571
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