iGPU HD630, macOS Sonoma

I physically removed my RX6600 dGPU and am using 7700K’s built in iGPU (HD630) for macOS Sonoma 14.5. The only change I made was modifying config.plist SMBIOS to iMac19,1. Surprisingly it booted after install and I have display!

Using DisplayPort on motherboard now but there are two weird issues:

It’s much slower to boot, on the Apple screen with progress bar it takes about an extra 2 minutes or so to boot into macOS compared to how quickly it would boot when the RX6600 was used.

There is only a white background, launchpad is slow, and the windows feel older in their style with solid colours and no transparency. It appears that, while I do have display, I do not have graphics acceleration from the iGPU.

Any suggestions for how to resolve? I can post my config.plist if it will help.

submitted by /u/avidrunner84
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