I cant boot, i tried all

Hi, I am trying to do a hackintosh but I have one error, i make 3 efi folders (following the dortania's guide) and the 3 efi folders have the same error, i tried all, i see the kernel issues page, i read comments, etc. Recently I published a post like this and the comments say that i need to load order in proper tree. I saw a tutorial that makes it automatically with ctrl+ shift and other key but i have the same error.

I have a sd card reader that i didnt map (because i dont have sd card) can be this my problem?

My Hardware:

MODEL: ASUS x509ua BR112T

CPU: i3-7020u

GPU: intel HD 620

AUDIO: Realtek ALC256


INTERNET: Qualcomm Atheros qca9377


Keyboard: PS/2 for PC/AT

efi folder: https://github.com/adrianovied/My-wrong-efi


00:000 00:000 AAPL: #[EB.H.IS|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.GV boot-signature 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82

00:039 00:039 AAPL: #[EB.H.IS|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.GV boot-image-key 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82

00:077 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|H:IS] 0

00:125 00:047 AAPL: #[EB|LOG:INIT] 2024-07-12T18:41:04

00:162 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|VERSION] <"bootbase.efi 577.140.2~22 (Official), built 2023-10-28T12:22:32-0700">

00:200 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|BUILD] <"BUILD-INFO[411]:{"DisplayName":"bootbase.efi","DisplayVersion":"577.140.2~22","RecordUuid":"45E4A878-54DB-42E3-BF98-E1AA0D42588C","BuildTime":"2023-10-28T12:22:32-0700","ProjectName":"efiboot","ProductName":"bootbase.efi","SourceVersion":"577.140.2","BuildVersion":"22","BuildConfiguration":"Release","BuildType":"Official","Compiler":"clang-1403.0.22.11","SdkVersion":"13.6","SdkBuild":"22G417","TargetArchitectures":"x86_64"}">

00:238 00:037 AAPL: #[EB.CFG.DEV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.GV booter-strict-xmlparser 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82

00:413 00:174 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:DEV] r5 0x0 0x0

00:451 00:038 AAPL: #[EB|H:IS] 0

00:488 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|WL:MODE] 0

00:526 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] boot-save-log 0x0000000000000002 (0x0000000000000002 < 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) default

00:564 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] wake-save-log 0x0000000000000002 (0x0000000000000002 < 0x0000000000000002) default

00:602 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] console 0x0000000000000001 (0x0000000000000001 < 0x0000000000000001) default

00:639 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] serial 0x0000000000000001 (0x0000000000000001 < 0x0000000000000000) default

00:677 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] preoslog 0x0000000000000001 (0x0000000000000001 < 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) default

00:715 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] timestamps 0x0000000000000000 (0x0000000000000000 < 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) default

00:752 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] log-level 0x0000000000000001 (0x0000000000000001 & 0x0000000000000021) default

00:927 00:174 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] breakpoint 0x0000000000000000 (0x0000000000000000 & 0x0000000000000000) default

00:965 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] kc-read-size 0x0000000000100000 (0x0000000000100000 < 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) default

01:003 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|CFG:ARG] force-error 0x0000000000000000 (0x0000000000000000 & 0x0000000000000000) default

01:040 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|H:IS] 0

01:078 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|WL] 0 0 0x01 0x01 0 0x00

01:116 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|BRD:NV] Mac-B4831CEBD52A0C4C

01:154 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|B:VAw]

01:192 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|B:IAw]

01:229 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|WL] 0 0 0x01 0x01 2 0x00

01:267 00:037 AAPL: #[EB.BST.IDT|+]

01:442 00:174 AAPL: #[EB|BM] X86LEGACYAP

01:481 00:039 AAPL: #[EB.BST.IDT|-]

01:519 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|WL] 0 0 0x01 0x01 3 0x00

01:557 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|WL] 0 0 0x01 0x01 4 0x00

01:594 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|BRD:NV] Mac-B4831CEBD52A0C4C

01:632 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|WL] 0 0 0x01 0x01 5 0x00

01:670 00:037 AAPL: #[EB.H.CHK|BM] 0x0000000000000000

01:708 00:037 AAPL: #[EB.H.LV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.GV boot-signature 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82

01:745 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|WL] 0 0 0x01 0x01 23 0x0E

01:920 00:174 AAPL: #[EB.H.LV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.GV boot-image-key 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82

01:957 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|WL] 0 0 0x01 0x01 24 0x0E

01:995 00:037 AAPL: #[EB.H.LV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.GV boot-image 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82

02:163 00:167 AAPL: #[EB.H.LV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.SV- boot-signature 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82

02:201 00:038 AAPL: #[EB.H.LV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.SV- boot-image-key 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82

02:239 00:037 AAPL: #[EB.H.LV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.SV- boot-image 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82

02:276 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|H:NOT]

02:314 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|SB:P] 0x1

02:352 00:037 AAPL: #[EB.B.MN|BM:+SB]

02:390 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|LIMG:DP] Acpi(PNP0A03,0)/Pci(14|0)/Usb(3, 0)/HD(Part2,SigEAAA9EF5-0AE8-44E2-9833-70350E64DA87)

02:566 00:176 AAPL: #[EB|LIMG:FP] \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi

02:604 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|LIMG:OPT]

02:642 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|RPS] 0 0 0

02:681 00:038 AAPL: #[EB.OPT.LXF|F] <"\\System\\Library\\CoreServices\\com.apple.Boot.plist">

02:718 00:037 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LF|IN] 0 1 <"\\System\\Library\\CoreServices\\com.apple.Boot.plist"> <"0">

02:756 00:037 AAPL: #[EB.LD.OFS|OPEN!] Err(0xE) <"\\System\\Library\\CoreServices\\com.apple.Boot.plist">

02:794 00:037 AAPL: #[EB.OPT.LXF|LF!] Err(0xE)

02:832 00:037 AAPL: #[EB.OPT.LXF|F] <"Library\\Preferences\\SystemConfiguration\\com.apple.Boot.plist">

02:869 00:037 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LF|IN] 0 1 <"Library\\Preferences\\SystemConfiguration\\com.apple.Boot.plist"> <"0">

02:909 00:039 AAPL: #[EB|KF] <"root-dmg=file:///BaseSystem/BaseSystem.dmg">

03:084 00:175 AAPL: #[EB|MBA:CL] <"">

03:122 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|MBA:NV] <"-v keepsyms=1 debug=0x100 alcid=66">

03:160 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|MBA:KF] <"root-dmg=file:///BaseSystem/BaseSystem.dmg">

03:197 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|MBA:OUT] <"-v keepsyms=1 debug=0x100 alcid=66 root-dmg=file:///BaseSystem/BaseSystem.dmg">

03:235 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|LOG:VERBOSE] 2024-07-12T18:41:07

03:273 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|OPT:BM] 0x200082

03:311 00:037 AAPL: #[EB.OPT.LXF|F] <"\\System\\Library\\CoreServices\\PlatformSupport.plist">

03:349 00:037 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LF|IN] 0 1 <"\\System\\Library\\CoreServices\\PlatformSupport.plist"> <"0">

03:388 00:038 AAPL: #[EB|P:CPR] N

03:425 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|P:MPI] N

03:600 00:174 AAPL: #[EB|P:BPI] N

03:638 00:037 AAPL: #[EB.OPT.RKS|!] Err(0xE) <- BS.LocP EDB4A040-6D8A-11EC-8FAD-3E22FB93ADCF

03:676 00:037 AAPL: #[EB|KMR] 360116224

03:713 00:037 AAPL: #[EB.CS.CSKSD|+]

03:751 00:037 AAPL: #[EB.CS.CSKSD|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.GV boot-info-payload 8D63D4FE-BD3C-4AAD-881D-86FD974BC1DF

03:789 00:037 AAPL: #[EB.G.CS|-?] Ok(0)

03:828 00:038 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LF|IN] 0 1 <"<null string>"> <"1">

03:884 00:056 AAPL: #[EB.B.SBS|SZ] 723512

03:932 00:047 AAPL: #[EB|B:SHA] <c33af8ea725fa4ca7d5533f2d47e89874c6255ff>

03:982 00:050 AAPL: #[EB.WL.PWLFNV|!] Err(0xE) <- RT.GV wake-failure 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82

04:168 00:186 AAPL: #[EB.WL.DT|!] Err(0xE) <- EB.WL.PWLFNV

04:207 00:038 AAPL: #[EB|WL:DT] 0xffffffff

04:247 00:040 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LKC|D] <"System\Library\KernelCollections\BootKernelExtensions.kc.development">

04:290 00:043 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LF|IN] 0 1 <"System\\Library\\KernelCollections\\BootKernelExtensions.kc.development"> <"0">

04:331 00:040 AAPL: #[EB.LD.OFS|OPEN!] Err(0xE) <"System\\Library\\KernelCollections\\BootKernelExtensions.kc.development">

04:371 00:039 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LKC|R.2] <"System\Library\KernelCollections\BootKernelExtensions.kc">

04:412 00:041 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LF|IN] 0 1 <"System\\Library\\KernelCollections\\BootKernelExtensions.kc"> <"0">

09:023 04:610 AAPL: #[EB|SB:P] 0x1

09:062 00:039 AAPL: #[EB|SB:SBGMFNS] x86legacyap.im4m

09:240 00:177 AAPL: #[EB|SB:MF] System\\Library\\KernelCollections\\BootKernelExtensions.kc.x86legacyap.im4m

09:281 00:040 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LF|IN] 0 1 <"System\\Library\\KernelCollections\\BootKernelExtensions.kc.x86legacyap.im4m"> <"0">

09:552 00:271 AAPL: #[EB|SB:MKRN]

09:603 00:051 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LKFS|-?] Ok(0)

09:642 00:038 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LKC|-?] Ok(0)

09:681 00:039 AAPL: #[EB|BST:REV1]

09:849 00:167 AAPL: #[EB|CSR:IN] 0x00000FEF

09:887 00:038 AAPL: #[EB|CSR:OUT] 0x00000FEF

09:926 00:038 AAPL: #[EB.BST.FBS|+]

09:964 00:038 AAPL: #[EB.BST.FBS|ADSZ] 0

10:142 00:177 AAPL: #[EB.BST.FBS|KSSZ] 0

10:180 00:038 AAPL: #[EB|SB:SBGMFNS] x86legacyap.im4m

10:219 00:038 AAPL: #[EB|RH:PF] usr\standalone\OS.dmg.root_hash

10:259 00:039 AAPL: #[EB|RH:MF] <"usr\\standalone\\OS.dmg.root_hash.x86legacyap.im4m">

10:298 00:039 AAPL: #[EB.LD.LF|IN] 0 1 <"usr\\standalone\\OS.dmg.root_hash"> <"0">

10:338 00:039 AAPL: #[EB.LD.OFS|OPEN!] Err(0xE) <"usr\\standalone\\OS.dmg.root_hash">

10:377 00:038 AAPL: #[EB.RH.LRH|P!] Err(0xE) <- EB.LD.LF

10:416 00:038 AAPL: #[EB.BST.FBS|!] Err(0xE) <- EB.RH.LRH

10:455 00:038 AAPL: #[EB|LOG:DT] 2024-07-12T18:41:14

10:494 00:039 AAPL: #[EB|LOG:EXITBS:START] 2024-07-12T18:41:14

The boot stunck always at the start of "APPLE CPU ID:"

submitted by /u/Asleep_Message4097
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