Help Needed: Volume Hash Mismatch After Using OpenCore Legacy Patcher

I was giving OpenCore Legacy Patcher a try, and here are the steps I followed that now result in an error every time I restart my Mac. Although my Mac is working fine, I encounter this error:

System Specs:

  • 2017 MacBook Air
  • macOS Monterey (natively)

Steps I Took:

  1. Downloaded OpenCore Legacy Patcher installer.
  2. Opened the app and ran "Build and Install OpenCore" (I thought this was the initial step before creating the macOS installer).
  3. Restarted my Mac and logged into EFI mode.
  4. Abandoned plans to upgrade my Mac.

Volume Hash Mismatch
Hash mismatch detected on volume disk1s5. macOS should be reinstalled on this volume.

How can I undo this mistake without reinstalling macOS?

submitted by /u/technorati1
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