GPU upgrade after OCLP installed?

GPU upgrade after OCLP installed?

Hey guys, I’ve successfully installed macOS Monterey on my 5,1 Mac Pro. Is it possible to upgrade the GPU with another Metal capable GPU without reinstalling everything again? I was trying to google it, but didn’t get any accurate information.

More detailed info: I’ve installed Monterey using OCLP 0.6.8, upgraded to 1.4.2 offline (because lan and wifi were not working) and finally successfully upgraded to 1.5.0. Everything works fine. I’ve got two Macs Pro 5,1. The other one isn’t upgraded yet. I would like to upgrade it too, but keep it as a “less powerful” mac, or just for testing. For these reasons I would use the GTX680 on this one and upgrade the GPU on the other one. Is it possible to upgrade it without reinstalling it?

Less important question: I have one internal NTFS formatted hdd and Paragon NTSF software. I found out that if I restart my Mac, this hdd doesn’t reconnect and is not visible in disk utility. But if I shut down the computer and power it on again, hdd is visible and functional normally again. No big deal, I am just curious if this is normal or not.

Thanks for your replies

submitted by /u/misak-plysak
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