So I was able to get everything else enabled and recognized by the OS. I’ve got WiFi, audio, usb ports, iServices, etc. The only thing I don’t have is Bluetooth. Now I could go without it but it’s a challenge I want to conquer.
I’ve tried numerous things. I have downloaded Bluetooth Kexts out the whazoo. IntelBluetoothFirmware.kext, BlueFixup.kext, IntelBluetoothPatcher, etc. I’ve tried them all and I’ve tried them together (I’m probably butchering the names but I’m not near my laptop). Then I tried inputting a child under my VRAM with the name bluetoothinternalsomethingicantremember value 00000 etc. and it still didn’t work.
What other solutions could there be? Am I just out of luck. I’ve mapped my usbs, I’ve installed .kexts that I assumed would work, but I’ve come up short.
What should I try next? Searching on Amazon for a dongle? lol
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