Audio and network issues

Cpu: Intel Core i7-4770 Gpu: Intel HD 4600 Ram: 2x8GB DDR3 1600Mhz Storage: HP EX900 Plus 256GB Media Network Card: IDK (prolly Realtek) Audio: Idk the audio used to come out of my monitor’s audio jack when I was in windows Kext drivers installed, but still not working for me

Guys I really need help with this, I had recently installed MacOS Sonoma on my pc, removing the Windows drive. I can’t connect to the internet thru my ethernet, my ethernet card does not show up even tho my kexts drivers are fully installed, I also can’t hear any audio, this is my only pc, so I’ll be really grateful to you guys if you can help 🙏🏻 I don’t have a Smartphone I use a Nokia, I’m borrowing a phone to write this, I can’t work properly if I don’t get my sht fixed. I tried watching all the videos I could, there aren’t many videos about it, and all of the videos that are available, tell to install the kext drivers (they were already installed). I can borrow an old laptop but not for too long. If you know anything that can help me, literally anything, please comment then…. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

submitted by /u/TirtharajYT
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