WiFi stopped working... Ventura 13.6.6

I am tri-booting Win10/Mojave/Ventura, and have been for quite some time. It has been working flawlessly in every OS up until now. I have not touched the OS or active EFI folder.

I rebooted into Ventura just now, and my Broadcom BCM943602CS card is not recognised. WiFi shows as OFF, and clicking the Details button does nothing. No amount of shutdowns/restarts seems to fix it?

I have never root-patched Ventura, as I have never needed to. SMBIOS is for iMacPro1,1 (for RX 580 + GPU transcoding)

Could someone help me? I tried running latest (and older) OCLP and the all say system does not need patching... but something is wrong. The rest of the OS seems to be working perfectly... just no WiFi. The hardware info is listed in About this Mac showing BroadcomNIC as working active driver.

NOTE: Integrated Bluetooth is working on the same card. Also, country-code is not injected, although it is in the EFI config.

EDIT: I should be able to install identical version of macOS over the top of existing install... just wanted to try other fix(es) first.

submitted by /u/themacmeister1967
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