OCLP Monterey install keeps getting stuck cMP 5,1

I'm hoping some OpenCore experts can help. I'm having an issue installing Monterey on my mac pro 5,1 through the latest OpenCore.

I've been trying to install since yesterday, trying 2 different hard drives using a USB installer (one a new NVME and the other a newly formatted HDD). SIP is disabled. The Monterey installer gets to 1 minute remaining, then the screen goes blank and stops responding entirely (no light when pressing caps-lock on the keyboard). I reboot holding opt, select EFI boot from the USB, then the install just continues showing 29 min remaining, until the same thing happens again and it gets stuck. I've let it run over night and the computer never responds. This same thing happens with both HDs.

I had the bootROM recently reconstructed on all three of my cMP 5,1s to ensure they have the latest firmware, clean bootROM and enable GOP for the boot screen with an RX580. All BEFORE installing OCL on any of them. Installing Monterey worked PERFECTLY on two of the machines, but this third one now keeps failing.

All specs are the same on each machine: dual X5690s, RX580, 96GB RAM, and updated to Mac OS Mojave the legit way before installing OCL.

I used the same USB flash drive as I did with the other 2 machines, but did try a different flash drive just in case, but with no luck. Is there some idea on what I'm missing?

submitted by /u/LoFi_Lxgend
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