Migrate OCLP cMP 5.1 running Sonoma to Mac Studio M2...?

Title kind of sums it up... Old cMP 5.1 is failing (random hangs, shutdowns, memory errors) but does have Sonoma 14.4.1 installed via OCLP with regular Time Machine backups. It seems like as good a time as any to make the jump to ARM.

Just ordered a new Mac Studio M2 Ultra, planning on migrating the legacy system over (if possible).

I've read mixed results re non-OCLP system migrations. Some say migrate it all, let Rosetta/macOS sort it out. Some say only migrate data and user accounts. Wondering if anyone has migrated a legacy intel Mac running OCLP to the new ARM platform, and any advice you can share, landmines, dragons, etc?


submitted by /u/arpieb
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