MacOS Side Randomly Disappeared

Hey everyone,

My friend built my Hackintosh some time ago (say 5 years ago). I have both Windows and MacOS, and it would primarily boot into MacOS automatically. Worked every time like a charm.

I was working on a Logic project and saved, put into my google drive, and restarted my computer to access my windows side again for a separate project. Clover 4630 is the program used to boot either side. This time around, it only showed up with the Windows EFI files to boot into, no Mac files seen at all to boot into anymore, and didn't boot into anything. Just left me with the Clover menu and Windows EFI files only... As if the MacOS files completely disappeared. I didn't delete anything or touch anything specifically.

I've tried numerous troubleshoots to see if I need to refresh clover or if the files just aren't being seen. As of right now I can only access my Windows side and have no MacOS USB installer to be able to boot into MACOS recovery or safe mode.

This is extremely frustrating, and the EASYUEFI on windows is showing that everything is healthy and pathways are looking to be OK or normal.

Is there a way to gain access back to MacOS by troubleshooting through Windows and setting up the boot files again from there?

Does anyone have any recommendations for this? I'm really stumped..

submitted by /u/ThinkYou9111
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