MacOS 14.5 (Asus Z370-ITX, OC1.0) with AMD 580 vs AMD 5700 : Performance Gain?

Hi All,

I've a macOS 14.5 Asus Z370-ITX 64GB / OC1.0 / AMD RX580 system that I just put an AMD RX5700 into, and performance is not even close to what I expected. The GPU drivers fully load, I have full graphics acceleration in MacOS (Finder, etc.), but in games (say, Starcraft II / Metal), performance is no better, and may be even worse, if that's possible. The RX580 just feels faster or 'better'.

If I boot into Windows 11, the 5700 delivers the expected performance in SC2, Diablo IV, etc. over and above the RX580 (there's perhaps a 50% boost in performance, perhaps a bit better than that in higher resolutions. Not earth shattering, but it's there.)

Has anyone else seen this? Anyone else tried back to back comparisons of RX580 and RX5700? Aside from agdpmod=pikera in config.plist, did you need to do anything else after adding the RX5700?

EFI: (see the RELEASES section)

submitted by /u/dclive1
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